Saturday, January 18, 2014

Project 2014 - the Babysitters' Club series

As I was growing up, I had quite the addiction to the Babysitters' Club series by Ann M Martin.  At some point in time, I had accrued over 50 of these books in my personal collection.  Sadly, I think at some point during high school or college, my mom made the decision to donate my box of BSC awesomeness to a younger cousin.

Fast forward a couple of decades, and my nostalgia for the series reignites, so I decide to use my library card to regress back to my 13 year old self.  As I peruse the online catalog, I realize that the BSC has expanded since I stopped reading them.  At some point, Dawn left the group for good and someone named Abby joined.  Plus, in addition to the Super Specials I had always known and loved, there was now a mystery series, with Super Special Mysteries, to boot.

So, my interest piqued, I decided that I would read my library's entire BSC catalog during 2014.  Since a number of my friends seemed somewhat interested in this journey, I thought I would create a blog to document my progress through the series.  Since this is only a year long project, the blog is going to be fairly plain and simple (as you can see...).

I will include a brief synopsis of each book I read, including some snark, because that's just how I roll, and you can't reread a children's series as an adult without some perspective. Moreover, since I was always enthralled by the outfits AMM would meticulously describe for Claudia and Stacey, I will include a BSC fashion segment for each book, if possible.

So, let the games begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor...(wait, wrong series...)

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