Monday, September 22, 2014

Mary Anne Spier, birthday girl

Happy birthday, Mary Anne, this would be your, what, 20th 13th birthday? Here's hoping Logan takes her out for a romantic dinner at Chez Maurice, or at least buys her ice cream or something.

So, I'm still preggo, but my energy is slowly starting to come back, so I'm not spending the entire weekend sleeping now (maybe just half the weekend...). So, this means that I will soon be back with my full book review posts, and not just these random posts that are (hopefully) keeping you somewhat invested in this blog.

For your entertainment, I found a link to an interesting article about life lessons girls from our generation learned from the BSC.  I thought some were pretty interesting, but also feel like there were many more that could be added.  Maybe I'll have to create my own life lesson list at some point here (a little further into the series, maybe). Any lessons you would like to add to the list?